Senin, 02 Januari 2012


Prediction that the earth in 2012 will suffer from the damage is an analysis of ancient sources in the form of Calendar Maya. The extent to which these prediction rapprochement with contemporary conditions ...?
The forecasters said the world today as precarious. This expression illustrates how vulnerable condition of the earth which we inhabit. As has been exposed several times this favorite magazine, that the earth experienced laundering. Perhaps this picture to explain the psychic Kaun prihal hazards that will occur.
In line with the analysis of the paranormal, the experts engaged in the scientific world, also signaled it has provided a variety of threats that will engulf mankind. The geoloog said conditions are increasingly brittle crust, while the meteorological experts catapult sinyaleman about the science of global change threats. Not to forget, astronomers predict about a great danger that threatens us from space.
If the range of indication is true, it is certain that the world is going to achieve what is called a latter-day doomsday aka. Or, like the tendency of history is always repeated, that the earth will indeed always be plagued by a major disaster in any period or periods of time.

Indeed, if we consider, in some ancient mythology told the earth was once hit by terrible disasters. For example, devastating floods are terrible. In fact, almost all ancient civilizations keep the story of the disaster on this one, for example, among more than 130 Indian tribes in the Americas almost no tribe that is not memitoskan devastating floods as their mythology topic ..
For a moment, let us remember the story of Noah. The United States. Narrated in the Qur'an and the Bible, that all of human civilization at the time was destroyed, except for people who believe in the teachings of God delivered by the Prophet Noah. Among them is the survivors of the flood disaster that was terrifying.
As a proof of the truth of how powerful the flood of Noah, in the interior of the foot of Mount Himalayas, Tibet, for example, found a tribe, both offspring and they look almost similar to the Greeks. It was said, they are the lucky people who still live on the events of that terrible flood.
In 1986, the Turkish government news agency claimed that the 5200 meters above sea level the mountain Ararat, has found an object that is similar to Noah's boat-shaped square. Having taken pictures from space, the length of the boat it is consistent with that recorded in the scriptures.
Master Li Hongzhi wrote an interesting conclusion in the book Zhuan Falun (p. 22). The founder of Falun Gong teachings ir said that civilization on Earth has been destroyed at least approximately as much as 81 times, even the most experienced total obliteration.
If so, the question is: Why do human beings can experience the disaster?
Mythology of every nation has the same explanation to answer this question. Yes, all of all the disaster arose because occurrence degradation and human depravity. That's why the Lord of the Universe decided to punish humanity.
Narrated in the days of the previous prophets, no such thing as age and time of disposition re crazy, crazy times after coming back to the time of disposition. Until the time comes the universe is really going to be destroyed as a whole.
When an age wherd humans have shown extraordinary moral degeneration (age crazy), the Creator decided to end civilization by sending some major catastrophe that finally put an end to life on earth at that time. Only a few people that left to start a new civilization and continue this life. When a new civilization is born, the hearts of those who had saved it again in a clean condition / disposition (after repentance) having been awakened by a terrible series of disasters that befell them previously.

Exact date of December 21, 2012, an "End of Times". Thus the conclusion is contained in the Mayan calendar, which started the calculations from the year 3113 BC to 2012 AD). The purpose of the "End of Times" itself is still debated by scientists and archaeologists. A number of opinion among other states:
1. Stopping time (the earth stops spinning)
2. The transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius
3. The transition from the Silver Age to the Golden Ages
4. End of Times = End of the World as We Know it
5. There will be a large galaxy Wave, which lay all the activities on this earth, including human extinction
6. The change from dimension 3 to dimension 4, even 5-dimensional
7. Human life is increased from the level of dimension 3, to 4, increased human DNA from strain 2 to 12, so that people can use telekinesis telepathy even
8. Someone said it would not happen
9. Some claimed the time was not going to apply, so time is not linear, but can change, according to the time that we experience, because the discovery of a time machine
10. The discovery of a time machine and stargate
11. Humans are able to transport to other galaxies through the stargate
12. The rise of the messiah, who will save mankind from destruction
13. Resurrection of Jesus USA / Jesus
14. First Contact was first human civilizations with the Alien / UFO
15. Humans join the intergalactic community first.
In the Mayan calendar which is very famous, predicted that in the period 1992-2012 the earth will be "purified", then human civilization will end this now and start entering a new civilization.
From the 20 years between the years 1992-2012, the Earth has entered the last stage of what is known as the Great Cycle Phase. This is an important period before the Earth into a period known as Pragalatic Synchronization, or also called The Earth Generetion Priod (Earth Regeneration Period). During this period the earth will reach total purification. After that, we will leave the earth's rays reach the galaxy and enters a new phase: the alignment of galaxies.
On December 21, 2012 will be the day of expiration of the civilization of mankind. Similarly, in the calculation of the Mayan Calendar. After that, mankind will enter a totally new civilization that have nothing to do with civilization now. On that day, exactly winter arrived, the sun will be joined again with that formed by the intersections of the ecliptic (the path of the sun) to the equator in total. At that moment, the sun was right in the middle between the galaxy system, or in other words galaxies located above the earth, like opening a "door to Heaven" for mankind.
From 1992 to 2012, what happened "purification" and how well happen "regeneration" on our earth, not mentioned in detail by the Mayans. In their forecast did not mention anything about what concrete things that give the human spirit to rise from the consciousness and how the earth had permurnian, abandoned by them to their grandchildren (perhaps not recorded). So, what new phenomena we can see from 1992 till now that we can associate with the Mayan prophecy that?
Let's look together! If viewed from several studies have been done, indeed in some two decades, the earth is undergoing a cycle called the magnetic polar reversal. This is a process that occurs at the north pole and south pole exchange positions. When this happens, for some time Earth's magnetic field reaches zero Gauss, which leans the earth at that time has zero magnetism. When this occurs along with eleven annual perbalikan polar orbit of the sun, big problems will occur.
According to computer calculations of Hyderabad, a polar reversal of Earth and the Sun can cause big problems in addition to electronics not working properly, migratory birds lost the bow, and a wide range of other threats. Among others, are:
1. Immune system, including all animals and humans will be much weakened.
2. The outer layer of the earth will experience volcanoes, tectonic movements, earthquakes, and landslides (Perjatikan this section and compare with the present-Pen).
3. Earth's magnetic field will be weakened and the radiation of the universe comes from the sun increased manifold resulting radiation hazards like cancer and so can not be avoided
4. Celestial bodies would be interested in entering the Earth
5. Earth's gravity will change although it is not known how he will change.
If all the tendencies that happens, then one conclusion is certain, is: "The earth becomes a place that does not fit to live" Probably, the same thing had happened to Mars millions of years ago. Analysis according to experts.
Because of that, so what is said about the destruction of the Mayan people in 2012 perdaban tomorrow will indeed happen. More than that, we can also see from the properties of the people of today. Moral and their behavior has greatly declined. That's why-even nature seems increasingly hostile to us. If a disaster will occur, then this is a repetition of the history of mankind that can not be avoided.

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Senin, 02 Januari 2012


Prediction that the earth in 2012 will suffer from the damage is an analysis of ancient sources in the form of Calendar Maya. The extent to which these prediction rapprochement with contemporary conditions ...?
The forecasters said the world today as precarious. This expression illustrates how vulnerable condition of the earth which we inhabit. As has been exposed several times this favorite magazine, that the earth experienced laundering. Perhaps this picture to explain the psychic Kaun prihal hazards that will occur.
In line with the analysis of the paranormal, the experts engaged in the scientific world, also signaled it has provided a variety of threats that will engulf mankind. The geoloog said conditions are increasingly brittle crust, while the meteorological experts catapult sinyaleman about the science of global change threats. Not to forget, astronomers predict about a great danger that threatens us from space.
If the range of indication is true, it is certain that the world is going to achieve what is called a latter-day doomsday aka. Or, like the tendency of history is always repeated, that the earth will indeed always be plagued by a major disaster in any period or periods of time.

Indeed, if we consider, in some ancient mythology told the earth was once hit by terrible disasters. For example, devastating floods are terrible. In fact, almost all ancient civilizations keep the story of the disaster on this one, for example, among more than 130 Indian tribes in the Americas almost no tribe that is not memitoskan devastating floods as their mythology topic ..
For a moment, let us remember the story of Noah. The United States. Narrated in the Qur'an and the Bible, that all of human civilization at the time was destroyed, except for people who believe in the teachings of God delivered by the Prophet Noah. Among them is the survivors of the flood disaster that was terrifying.
As a proof of the truth of how powerful the flood of Noah, in the interior of the foot of Mount Himalayas, Tibet, for example, found a tribe, both offspring and they look almost similar to the Greeks. It was said, they are the lucky people who still live on the events of that terrible flood.
In 1986, the Turkish government news agency claimed that the 5200 meters above sea level the mountain Ararat, has found an object that is similar to Noah's boat-shaped square. Having taken pictures from space, the length of the boat it is consistent with that recorded in the scriptures.
Master Li Hongzhi wrote an interesting conclusion in the book Zhuan Falun (p. 22). The founder of Falun Gong teachings ir said that civilization on Earth has been destroyed at least approximately as much as 81 times, even the most experienced total obliteration.
If so, the question is: Why do human beings can experience the disaster?
Mythology of every nation has the same explanation to answer this question. Yes, all of all the disaster arose because occurrence degradation and human depravity. That's why the Lord of the Universe decided to punish humanity.
Narrated in the days of the previous prophets, no such thing as age and time of disposition re crazy, crazy times after coming back to the time of disposition. Until the time comes the universe is really going to be destroyed as a whole.
When an age wherd humans have shown extraordinary moral degeneration (age crazy), the Creator decided to end civilization by sending some major catastrophe that finally put an end to life on earth at that time. Only a few people that left to start a new civilization and continue this life. When a new civilization is born, the hearts of those who had saved it again in a clean condition / disposition (after repentance) having been awakened by a terrible series of disasters that befell them previously.

Exact date of December 21, 2012, an "End of Times". Thus the conclusion is contained in the Mayan calendar, which started the calculations from the year 3113 BC to 2012 AD). The purpose of the "End of Times" itself is still debated by scientists and archaeologists. A number of opinion among other states:
1. Stopping time (the earth stops spinning)
2. The transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius
3. The transition from the Silver Age to the Golden Ages
4. End of Times = End of the World as We Know it
5. There will be a large galaxy Wave, which lay all the activities on this earth, including human extinction
6. The change from dimension 3 to dimension 4, even 5-dimensional
7. Human life is increased from the level of dimension 3, to 4, increased human DNA from strain 2 to 12, so that people can use telekinesis telepathy even
8. Someone said it would not happen
9. Some claimed the time was not going to apply, so time is not linear, but can change, according to the time that we experience, because the discovery of a time machine
10. The discovery of a time machine and stargate
11. Humans are able to transport to other galaxies through the stargate
12. The rise of the messiah, who will save mankind from destruction
13. Resurrection of Jesus USA / Jesus
14. First Contact was first human civilizations with the Alien / UFO
15. Humans join the intergalactic community first.
In the Mayan calendar which is very famous, predicted that in the period 1992-2012 the earth will be "purified", then human civilization will end this now and start entering a new civilization.
From the 20 years between the years 1992-2012, the Earth has entered the last stage of what is known as the Great Cycle Phase. This is an important period before the Earth into a period known as Pragalatic Synchronization, or also called The Earth Generetion Priod (Earth Regeneration Period). During this period the earth will reach total purification. After that, we will leave the earth's rays reach the galaxy and enters a new phase: the alignment of galaxies.
On December 21, 2012 will be the day of expiration of the civilization of mankind. Similarly, in the calculation of the Mayan Calendar. After that, mankind will enter a totally new civilization that have nothing to do with civilization now. On that day, exactly winter arrived, the sun will be joined again with that formed by the intersections of the ecliptic (the path of the sun) to the equator in total. At that moment, the sun was right in the middle between the galaxy system, or in other words galaxies located above the earth, like opening a "door to Heaven" for mankind.
From 1992 to 2012, what happened "purification" and how well happen "regeneration" on our earth, not mentioned in detail by the Mayans. In their forecast did not mention anything about what concrete things that give the human spirit to rise from the consciousness and how the earth had permurnian, abandoned by them to their grandchildren (perhaps not recorded). So, what new phenomena we can see from 1992 till now that we can associate with the Mayan prophecy that?
Let's look together! If viewed from several studies have been done, indeed in some two decades, the earth is undergoing a cycle called the magnetic polar reversal. This is a process that occurs at the north pole and south pole exchange positions. When this happens, for some time Earth's magnetic field reaches zero Gauss, which leans the earth at that time has zero magnetism. When this occurs along with eleven annual perbalikan polar orbit of the sun, big problems will occur.
According to computer calculations of Hyderabad, a polar reversal of Earth and the Sun can cause big problems in addition to electronics not working properly, migratory birds lost the bow, and a wide range of other threats. Among others, are:
1. Immune system, including all animals and humans will be much weakened.
2. The outer layer of the earth will experience volcanoes, tectonic movements, earthquakes, and landslides (Perjatikan this section and compare with the present-Pen).
3. Earth's magnetic field will be weakened and the radiation of the universe comes from the sun increased manifold resulting radiation hazards like cancer and so can not be avoided
4. Celestial bodies would be interested in entering the Earth
5. Earth's gravity will change although it is not known how he will change.
If all the tendencies that happens, then one conclusion is certain, is: "The earth becomes a place that does not fit to live" Probably, the same thing had happened to Mars millions of years ago. Analysis according to experts.
Because of that, so what is said about the destruction of the Mayan people in 2012 perdaban tomorrow will indeed happen. More than that, we can also see from the properties of the people of today. Moral and their behavior has greatly declined. That's why-even nature seems increasingly hostile to us. If a disaster will occur, then this is a repetition of the history of mankind that can not be avoided.

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